How to Travel Around Vietnam

Car Rentals in Vietnam

Getting around Vietnam. Having lived here for over five years, I am often asked for how to get around Vietnam. What is the best way to travel around Vietnam? That depends upon you. Here are the normal means of transport in Vietnam, ranked in order of comfort.

Vietnam is a rapidly developing country, with modern cities, transportation and conveniences for those who can afford them. The exchange rate makes most things relatively affordable. There are many service businesses that can help make your visit pleasant and enjoyable.

Plane Travel

Flying is obviously the most expensive and fastest way to get around Vietnam. You can fly to almost anywhere in the country in about two hours. This makes flying to Vietnam and around the country a great choice for visitors with a limited time.

Bus Travel

Buses are one of the cheapest ways to get around Vietnam. This makes them a big hit with backpackers and travelers on a budget. They are also highly convenient. You can find a bus station in nearly every town. There are also unmarked bus pickup and drop-off locations everywhere.

Train Travel

Vietnam has a reliable and well equipped rail system. The trains in Vietnam are better than most in Southeast Asia. The cost for getting around Vietnam by train is a little higher than by bus. The extra comfort you get on a train makes it worth the extra cost. More importantly, according to Viet tourism, the trains are safer than buses.

Boat Travel

Boat trips to some destinations in Vietnam are possible. There have been boats departing from Phnom Penh to Chau Doc. This might be worth a try due to its exciting experience. Of course, if you love something more luxurious, you can travel in luxury down the Mekong River on the river cruise private tour company too.

Car Travel

Being able to get behind the wheel is usually what most people plan on a vacation. It give you flexibility and convenience and independence. Besides, you can stop whenever you see something interesting. Stop. Thinking of traveling around Vietnam by car? Please note that international driving licenses are illegal in Vietnam. Instead of renting a car in Vietnam, rent a car and driver. 

Car and Driver Travel

Car rental agencies do not offer the service of car rental for foreigners to drive themselves in Vietnam, but you can hire a car and a driver via most tour companies or hotels. But, make sure that the driver knows some English so as to communicate with you and remember to get some basic information about the driver’s experience and the car’s age and make in order to avoid any potential surprises.

Motorbike Travel

Motorbikes could be hired from anywhere in Vietnam, including hotels, cafes, and travel agencies. This transportation mode is suitable for the courageous only since traffic in Vietnam is somehow chaotic and hectic, though it is the most popular mean of Vietnamese. 

Wear a Helmet

If you rent a motorbike or motorcycle, check out the bike carefully prior to taking off and remember that Vietnam requires wearing a helmet. Gas stations are found throughout the country, and gasoline is somewhat cheap regarding a given distance that you could drive on a tank. 

What is the Best Way to Travel Around Vietnam?


The best ways to get around Vietnam are plane, train and Grab. Flying is quicker and there are airports in many cities. You can get anywhere in about two hours and with minimum fuss. The airports and clean and efficient. The planes are very clean and modern and convenient.


The trains have level tracks. The ride is smoother than bus and trains are safer than the bus. You can view the countryside during the day or you can sleep on the train for overnight runs. The trains run on a regular schedule, about every two hours to many destinations.


Grab car or Grab bike for the in-city trips is the best way to look at the city and be safe. You cannot do both! Traffic rules, which nobody follows, are different than what westerners expect. You can get seriously injured if you are not careful when driving. Let Grab drivers do the driving and you do the sightseeing.


I’ve lived in Vietnam since 2017. I have flown, taken the train, rode an overnight bus, rented my own motorbike and ridden with Grab car and motorbike. I now own an electric motorbike. Here’s what I recommend. If you have the budget and/or you are short on time, flying is the best option. The planes are clear, fast and available in nearly all cities.

On the ground, I recommend Grab car. The website has more information in English. It’s the same as Uber. Download the Grab app for your device and add your credit card. Most, but not all international bank cards are accepted. My Apple Pay card was not accepted. I did have a PayPal card accepted but that changed and I’m not sure why.

There are more Grab cars than Taxis and you don’t have to translate destinations, handle money or give directions. You can easily catch a Grab car to the airport or any hotel or destination by choosing it from your app.

If you are living in Vietnam for more than a short trip, you can rent or buy a motorbike. Be Careful! I recommend an electric motorbike. They cost about the same to buy or rent and they are cheaper to use than gas. Even before the rise in gas prices (which are set and regulated by the Vietnamese government) charging my electric motorbike in every night for one month costs the same as two tanks of gas – or about four days of errands.

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