“Heave to” is a worthwhile skill for sailors. This technique stops the boat and holds it almost completely still in the water. The long keel on monohull sailboats makes this easier to manage. Catamarans, like sailboats, can “heave to”.
A catamaran can indeed “heave to”, though a cat may not hold still completely. This is due to the role that the keel plays in this technique. In “heaving to” the jib and the mainsail are counter balanced by each other and both depend upon pushing against the boat’s keel. The longer the keel, the easier it will be to heave to.
“Heave to” is a tool for stopping the boat almost completely in the water with the sails still up. The boat maintains a relatively steady position. This is in complete contrast to “lying ahull,” in which all the sails are dropped and the boat is permitted to drift. This motion, which can be uncomfortable and even dangerous. A boat “lying ahull” is pointed into the waves and puts you at risk of capsizing.
Catamarans Can “Heave To”
Boats that “heave to” like this normally drift slightly with the wind. Just like a monohull, a cat could drift around 40 to 50 degrees off the wind. This dramatically eases the boat’s motion. This motion, which is normal, may seem skittish or uncomfortable at first. So, of course your catamaran can “heave to”. It is a less solid location than a monohull with a deep keel but it works just the same.
A Worthwhile Sailing Skill
“Heaving to” is a worthwhile sailing skill that every sailor should learn. This simple technique will stop your boat in a controlled manner without the captain having to stay at the helm. This can be used for mundane purposes, such as lunch. It can also be used to ride out a storm. Any catamaran can “heave to” like any other sailboat.
It can be used for waiting out bad weather because it allows you to “freeze” the boat at a safe angle to wind and waves and go below to ride it out. Sailors who are sailing their boat without an autopilot will find this technique a valuable skill if they need to leave the helm for any reason.
“Heaving to” is a useful skill for “freezing” your catamaran in it’s tracks, and it can be used even with the sails up. The jib and mainsail are carefully balanced against each other. This works best with monohulls with longer keels but can be applied by any boat, including catamarans. There are excellent “heave to” instructions here.
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